So we are gonna to add feature to the existing Bump application, that would make it more useful you know in a very variety of situations beyond its exchanging contact generation. 我们也会不断为,现有的程序增加新的功能,从而让它在,不同的环境下更加实用,而不仅仅停留在交换信息的层面上。
A simplified formula was developed to calculate the local structural stiffness of each bump of the bump foil with the consideration of frictions between bump foil and its contact surfaces, and the influences of different parameters on the structural stiffness were analyzed. 考虑波箔轴承中波箔与接触面间摩擦力的影响,得出了计算波箔局部结构刚度的简化公式,并分析了影响波箔轴承结构刚度的参数。